Banners and Flags, budget friendly advertising.
Whether it is from the products they offer, the equipment they use, or the people they employ. Another important area to monitor is the Advertising and Marketing of your business. Investing in advertising that is providing minimal to no return can be harmful to a business long term. ROI (Return On Investment) is a commonly used term for evaluating the return from what you invest in advertising. ROI is something every business owner should look at when evaluating the advertising and marketing of their business. As we will discuss below, Banners and Flags can provide a budget friendly ROI.
A business owner has some options when choosing where to spend their advertising budget.
Among the more conventional and traditional forms of advertising like newspapers, phone directories, and radio. The results can vary based on the type of business we are discussing. Depending on the form of advertising media, the cost can run $1.00 to over $10.00 CPM (Cost per thousand).
One option is advertising with Banners and advertising flags.
Business signage can be one of the most important forms of advertising for a retail business. A poll in 2012 by FedEx Office, found that 76 percent of American consumers, enter a store they have never visited before based on its signs. Coupled with a CPM of .10 to .30, business signage and advertising flags can offer a very high ROI.
Two of the most cost effective forms of signage are vinyl banners and custom advertising flags.
We already know that business Signage can have a high ROI in comparison to traditional forms of advertising. Let us look at two types of business signage that not only provide a good ROI; they can also enhance and increase the ROI of your traditional storefront signage as well. Advertising flags like Feather Flags, Teardrop Flags, and Swooper Flags can draw attention to your signage. Banner flags can also promote a particular product or service, or just create brand awareness by displaying your logo. Custom banners can economically advertise a special message or promotion. Custom banners and flags are a very inexpensive advertising option. They provide an excellent ROI when you consider they work 24/7 promoting your business.